26 November 201821 November 2018 ‘Breakthrough’ harvesting solution, growing market, potential beyond biodiesel – all good signs for castor oil’s future After all, if we can make shoes and yarn from castor plants, the possibilities seem endless
5 October 201613 December 2016 Natural Oil Polyols Market Analysis By Product And Segment Forecasts To 2024 Regulatory support from European Commission for the adoption of environment-friendly polymers is estimated to augment market growth
15 March 201614 March 2016 Vithal Castor Polyols: Produktion von Bio-Polyolen aus Rizinusöl Geplant ist Produktion von rund 8.000 Tonnen Bio-Polyolen im Jahr
9 June 20157 June 2015 Arkema launches new partially biosourced PA grade Rilsan S ‘closes the gap between long-chain polyamides, with excellent bonding properties towards all types of polyamide materials
25 April 2013 Arkema launches the Rilsan® T, a new range of biosourced polyamides Company optimizing unique products manufactured from renewable resources
11 April 2013 Arkema partners with Jayant Agro in India Cooperation to provide Arkema with secure and competitive access to castor oil for bio polyamides