5 August 20242 August 2024 Spatially-explicit land use change emissions and carbon payback times of biofuels under the Carbon Offsetting and Reduction Scheme for International Aviation (CORSIA) The Carbon Offsetting and Reduction Scheme for International Aviation (CORSIA) requires airlines to offset their greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions above 2019 levels by either buying carbon offsets or using Sustainable Aviation Fuels (SAFs)
Sind nachhaltige Flugtreibstoffe wirklich nachhaltig? Biokraftstoffe sind ein vielversprechender Weg, um die Kohlenstoffemissionen des Luftverkehrs zu reduzieren und damit einen Beitrag zur Erreichung der globalen Klimaziele zu leisten
14 February 201914 February 2019 Biofuel production in sub-Saharan Africa could be prioritized for aviation WWF report: "Taking off: Understanding the sustainable aviation biofuel potential in sub-Saharan Africa"
24 August 201821 August 2018 Become a “citizen scientist” and protect the environment with your smartphone In the H2020 project MAGIC, scientists from different fields are working on mapping marginal land areas for the cultivation of industrial plants
13 August 20188 August 2018 Climate taxes on agriculture could lead to more food insecurity than climate change itself First international study to compare across models the effects of climate change on agriculture with the costs and effects of mitigation policies
13 July 201811 July 2018 Biorefineries will have only minimal effects on wood products and feedstocks markets Biomass markets should be able to handle the increased demand
14 July 20171 June 2018 MArginal Lands for Growing Industrial Crops – Turning a burden into an opportunity EU research project MAGIC kicks off
3 September 20152 September 2015 Boreal forests challenged by global change Forest management must adapt in order to ensure that forests stay healthy in a time of unprecedented environmental change