15 November 202412 November 2024 ORAC selects Styrolution® PS ECO grades for its 3D Duropolymer® wall panels This collaboration highlights Orac's commitment to sustainability with the 2024 launch of its 100% bio-circular Duropolymer® panels
14 October 20248 October 2024 Advanced recycling plant closes chain of crisp bags and yoghurt pots Indaver Plastics2Chemicals (P2C) will focus in future specifically on the plastic types Polystyrene (PS) - think of yogurt cups, meat trays, and mushroom containers - and Polyolefins (PO) - such as chip bags and films
14 March 202414 March 2024 PLAYMOBIL selects plant-based styrenics material from INEOS Styrolution for new sustainable toys PLAYMOBIL has confirmed that it has converted the production of all items in its toddler portfolio from traditional, fossil-based to at least 90% plant-based materials
Noch mehr Spielspaß für Kleinkinder: PLAYMOBIL weltweit erster großer Spielwarenhersteller mit pflanzenbasiertem Kunststoff im kompletten Kleinkindportfolio PLAYMOBIL hat pflanzenbasiertes Styrol von INEOS Styrolution für seine neueste Produktion gewählt
30 November 202329 November 2023 First corporation SRL selects sustainable Luran® S ECO material from INEOS Styrolution Up to 50% bio-attributed material in roofing applications
21 November 202321 November 2023 The Advanced Recycling Conference 2023 – Your Ultimate Guide to Cutting-Edge Recycling Solutions With the upcoming recycling quotas set by the EU, as well as quotas for mandatory recycled content for specific products, advanced recycling reaches far beyond the plastic packaging sector In consequence, estimations foresee 55% of renewable carbon to come from recycling until 2050. Join more than 250 other participants to discuss effective solutions to handle these capacities
10 November 20236 November 2023 tonies selects sustainable styrenics from INEOS Styrolution for new audio product for children Replacing traditional plastics with sustainable polymers for the manufacturing of the product contributes to the experience for families
21 September 202321 September 2023 A Broad Range of Advanced Recycling Technologies Keeps Carbon in the Loop Register now: The Advanced Recycling Conference 2023, November 28-29, 2023 in Cologne, Germany and online
Advanced Recycling Technologies – Neue Recycling-Methoden halten Kohlenstoff im Kreislauf Jetzt anmelden: Die Advanced Recycling Conference 2023 vom 28.-29. November 2023 in Köln und online
20 September 202315 September 2023 INEOS Styrolution launches new U.S. produced, NAS® ECO grade of bio-attributed polymers for the Americas region The addition of NAS ECO into the company’s ECO product portfolio, provides their customers with a growing selection of drop-in solutions for domestically produced, bio-attributed styrenic polymers
14 July 202311 July 2023 INEOS Styrolution partners with EGN and Tomra to recycle post-consumer polystyrene waste into food contact polystyrene Process enables closed-loop circularity for polystyrene (PS) at food contact quality levels. First large-scale mechanical recycling facility to process recycled PS suitable for food packaging. Start-up expected by mid-2025
Recyceltes Polystyrol für die Lebensmittelindustrie Verfahren ermöglicht geschlossenen Kreislauf für Polystyrol (PS) in der Lebensmittelindustrie
5 April 20233 April 2023 Agilyx and INEOS Styrolution advance development of large scale TruStyrenyx™ plant TruStyrenyx is a partnership between Agilyx and Technip Energies and provides an all-in-one solution for the chemical recycling of polystyrene back into high purity styrene monomer
24 March 202321 March 2023 Klimaneutralität mit Kunststoff wird funktionieren Beim 28. Stuttgarter Kunststoffkolloquium wurde deutlich, dass die Kunststoffbranche durchaus bis 2050 klimaneutral und unabhängig vom Rohöl sein kann
6 March 20231 March 2023 INEOS Styrolution’s Styroflex® proven to be a superior cost-effective binder for bio based products Styroflex is a styrene-butadiene block copolymer (SBC) with the properties of a thermoplastic elastomer that is suitable for extrusion and injection molding
1 February 20231 February 2023 Small Grains, Big Impact Hansgrohe switches to new, sustainable ABS material for chrome-plated product components
Kleine Körnchen, große Wirkung Hansgrohe setzt auf neuen, nachhaltigen ABS-Werkstoff für verchromte Produktkomponenten
5 December 202230 November 2022 The new standard work on recycling of plastics Dr. Norbert Niessner, Global Innovation Director at INEOS Styrolution, published the new ‘Recycling of Plastics’ book that leaves no question on the topic unanswered
7 November 20222 November 2022 K 2022: ALBIS presents pioneering product portfolio for innovative and sustainable material solutions These forward-looking solutions based on bio-circular raw materials or recyclates, which in terms of performance, quality and appearance are in no way inferior to their conventional fossil-based counterparts
K 2022: ALBIS präsentiert zukunftsweisendes Produktportfolio für innovative und nachhaltige Materiallösungen Zukunftsweisende Lösungen auf Basis von biozirkulären Rohstoffen oder Rezyklaten, die in Leistung, Qualität und Optik ihren Gegenstücken auf Basis von konventionellen, fossilen Rohstoffen in nichts nachstehen
26 September 202221 September 2022 Orthex entscheidet sich für nachhaltigere Rohstoffe von INEOS Styrolution und BASF Ganz im Sinne dieser Philosophie wird Orthex den biomassenbilanzierten Rohstoff Luran® ECO demnächst für die Produktion des gesamten Sortiments von Aufbewahrungslösungen der Marke SmartStore einsetzen
Orthex Group moves toward more sustainable raw materials in cooperation with INEOS Styrolution and BASF As a next step, Orthex will start using new biomass balance based Luran ECO raw material for the entire SmartStore Compact storage range
15 July 202212 July 2022 ALBIS distributes new sustainable product lines from INEOS Styrolution All new materials are certified according to the ISCC mass balance approach
ALBIS vertreibt neue nachhaltige Produktlinien von INEOS Styrolution Alle neuen Materialien sind nach dem Massebilanzansatz ISCC Plus zertifiziert
23 February 202217 February 2022 Trinseo: PS-Recyclinganlage in Belgien in Planung Vorgesehen ist in Tessenderlo die Errichtung von Kapazitäten für die Gewinnung von jährlich bis zu 15.000 Tonnen recyceltem Polystyrol (rPS) für die Weiterverarbeitung zu neuwertigen PS-Werkstoffen
3 December 202129 November 2021 Ineos Styrolution: Investition in Pilotanlage für fortschrittliches Polystyrol-Recycling – Kooperation mit Recycling Technologies, UK Neue Anlage soll in der zweiten Hälfte des Jahres gemeinsam mit Recycling Technologies 2022 in Betrieb genommen werden
INEOS Styrolution confirms its investment decision for Europe’s first polystyrene advanced recycling pilot plant The site will be set up in collaboration with Recycling Technologies in Swindon, UK. It is expected to be operational in the second half of 2022
11 August 20219 September 2021 Ineos Styrolution factory in Illinois sees development delays The company says it plans to open a plant in Channahon, Illinois, in the next three years but has encountered pandemic-related delays
3 May 20219 September 2021 INEOS Styrolution, Recycling Technologies and Trinseo progress plans for the first polystyrene recycling plants in Europe All three companies share the same vision of making PS a circular material through depolymerisation
Ineos Styrolution, Recycling Technologies und Trinseo planen Recycling-Anlage Die gemeinsame Vision der drei Partner ist, Polystyrol (PS) durch Depolymerisation zu einem Kreislaufmaterial zu machen
26 March 20219 September 2021 Chemicals and Materials for the Future: Renewable Materials Conference 2021 – Final Program Which renewable materials are solutions that meet the needs of future societies? As a response to this challenging question, nova-Institute has decided to unite all relevant industries in the new “Renewable Materials Conference”, May 18–20, 2021, featuring a unique concept to present all renewable material solutions at one event: bio-based, CO2-based and recycled.
17 February 20219 September 2021 INEOS Styrolution and Polystyvert establish joint development agreement aimed at advancing a circular economy for polystyrene Patented advanced recycling technology offers a unique approach to achieving high quality recycled polystyrene
4 February 20219 September 2021 Ineos Styrolution: Demo-Anlage für ABS aus Rezyklaten in Planung Anlage entsteht im Rahmen des EU-finanzierten Projekts "ABSolutely Circular" und soll eine weitere Demo-Anlage ergänzen
27 January 20219 September 2021 INEOS Styrolution plans to build a demonstration polymerisation plant for production of ABS plastic from recycled feedstock New site to test production of ABS plastic from recycled feedstock
25 November 20209 September 2021 INEOS Styrolution and Ferrero explore advanced recycling for future packaging solutions Aim is to develop a process to convert complex plastic waste back to fully recyclable materials
8 October 20206 October 2020 Agilyx Joins AmSty, INEOS Styrolution and Trinseo as Technology Partner to Accelerate Realization of Circular Polystyrene The four-way NDA signifies a commitment to a circular economy of polystyrene and serves as a basis for exploring and optimizing advanced recycling technologies for polystyrene
3 September 20209 September 2021 #Trending: Chemical recycling of plastics – the missing link in the puzzle to enhance plastics circularity Collection & sorting of plastics waste is quite far from being at the required level and the recycled grades often don’t stand a chance against their low-cost virgin counterparts
17 August 202017 August 2020 INEOS Styrolution and Recycling Technologies sign joint development agreement for recycling polystyrene Scientific research and processing of polystyrene depolymerisation recognises the potential commercial value of post-consumer plastic waste
Ineos Styrolution: Depolymerisation als Recyclinglösung für Polystyrol Polystrol-Forschung zeigt eindeutig auf, dass es möglich ist, aus Post-Consumer-Abfällen einen wertvollen Rohstoff zu gewinnen
9 July 20202 July 2020 INEOS Styrolution reports final results of research project: post consumer polystyrene waste becomes valuable feedstock The process promises to produce recycled polystyrene meeting food contact standards
30 April 202031 December 2020 Agilyx: Chemischer Kunststoffrecycler lizenziert Technologie für PS-Recycling an Toyo Styrene Toyo Styrene's Testanlage soll die Depolymerisation von PS-Abfällen zu Styrol-Monomer für die Repolymerisation zu neuen hochwertigen PS-Werkstoffen erproben
25 March 20209 September 2021 The Sustainable Packaging Evolution: Ineos, PS, and Chemical Recycling As the coronavirus crisis casts polystyrene and PS products in a more favorable light, chemical recycling could change the long-term sustainable equation for the polymer
6 March 20209 November 2020 Good as new: how chemical recycling is giving every day plastic a new lease of life Worley has partnered with Agilyx and INEOS Styrolution to advance the circular economy for plastics and will be providing engineering design services for a commercial-scale polystyrene (PS) chemical recycling facility in Channahon, Illinois
25 February 202031 December 2020 GreenMantra Forges New Plastics Markets via Chemical Recycling GreenMantra is leveraging chemical recycling to make products other than recycled bottles, clothing, carpets and other mainstream commodities
31 January 20209 November 2020 Styrenics Circular Solutions Members to Initiate Evaluation of Pyrowave Plastic-to-plastic Chemical Recycling Technology SCS members INEOS Styrolution, Total, Trinseo and Versalis (Eni) to evaluate in detail Pyrowave's depolymerisation technology
19 December 20199 September 2021 INEOS Styrolution and Agilyx advance polystyrene chemical recycling plant in Channahon, Illinois Partnership paves the way for closed loop recycling to keep polystyrene out of landfills