29 July 202423 July 2024 Carbon capture, an uncertain technology We shouldn’t forget carbon capture; but our main effort should be in promoting renewable energies
18 July 202415 July 2024 Green hydrogen The lack of clarity about certification and regulation and the lack of infrastructure available to deliver hydrogen to end users would be essential in the realization of the Net Zero Emissions scenario
31 May 202431 May 2024 Trial carbon capture unit begins operating on blast furnace at ArcelorMittal Gent, Belgium In October 2022, the four parties announced their collaboration on a multi-year trial of MHI’s carbon capture technology at multiple carbon dioxide emission points
29 May 202427 May 2024 280 Earth, a company that removes CO2 from the air, announces first Direct Air Capture plant in Oregon; closes 50M series B funding round 280 Earth’s facility provides a commercial demonstration of several years of research and development and it maximizes environmental benefits by using electricity with very low carbon content
17 April 202416 April 2024 A Gates-Backed Startup Is Making Fuel From Water and Carbon Dioxide Infinium counts Bill Gates as an investor and has fuel buyers that include Amazon and American Airlines. Now, the company is trying to scale up
4 April 202330 March 2023 Everything, Everywhere, All At Once: The African Bio-Economy Story The developed world – and America in particular – should offer help to Africa from A-Z in the bioeconomy, from growing more crops to shipping to processing and marketing
19 September 202214 September 2022 How to make recyclable plastics out of CO2 to slow climate change Chemists are manipulating the greenhouse gas to make clothing, mattresses, shoes and more
30 June 202223 June 2022 Bioeconomy: Poised at a historic crossroads Beside shipping issues and energy disruption, business operations have been prevented by pandemic-related effects, supply chain tightness, higher demand as well as digitalisation, blockchains and AI
3 March 20222 March 2022 A hydrogen strategy for a balanced EU-Africa partnership The EU must work with Africa to develop hydrogen as part of a broader economic and development cooperation agenda moving beyond resource production and extraction, writes Eleonora Moro
20 April 202118 June 2021 Campaigns questioning the use of woody biomass for energy are missing key facts The media campaigns also often ignore the many steps that have already been taken towards sustainable forest management, particularly in Europe and North America
12 March 20219 March 2021 Why Bioenergy Matters In Our Future Sustainable Energy System Many opinions about the climate neutrality of biomass for energy purposes are influenced by subjective interpretations and special interests - and facts are often repeated out of context
4 February 20219 September 2021 Carbon Capture Utilisation Storage: Revesting The Future Of Energy CCUS technology can be retrofitted to existing energy and power plants, that is, existing infrastructure can accommodate CCUS technology. These industries will otherwise emit 600 billion tonnes of Carbon-dioxide across the next 50 years, as per International Energy Agency (IEA)
19 October 20209 September 2021 Techkonzerne investieren Milliarden in umstrittene CO2-Abscheidung Trotz des Corona-Knicks bei den CO2-Emissionen gibt es keine Kehrtwende beim Klimaschutz. US-Konzerne und die Internationale Energieagentur werben nun für die teure CO2-Abscheidungstechnik
10 September 20207 September 2020 The use of forest biomass for climate change mitigation: dispelling some misconceptions Is energy from woody biomass positive for the climate?
5 March 20202 March 2020 Moulding the future of an advanced bioeconomy New Biofuture Platform's study to map out the current status of the bioeconomy and challenges ahead
28 February 202026 February 2020 IEA Bioenergy publishes a new report on the potential for advanced biofuels cost reduction Based on information gathered from industry and other sources the report confirms that there is a gap between the cost of the advanced biofuels and current fuel prices
24 February 20209 September 2021 Circularity in the Chemicals Industry: Drivers, Challenges and Solutions The chemical industry is the third-largest industrial CO2 emitter after steel and cement and is responsible for about 4% of total global direct emissions
5 February 20201 February 2020 IEA Bioenergy: Umfrage zur Nachhaltigkeit von Biomasse-Wertschöpfungsketten Welche Präferenzen haben Sie bei Lieferketten von Biomasse?
22 August 20199 September 2021 Hydrogen Production – how much will be sustainable, how sustainable, when, and how? We need new methods of affordable production, new sources that justify the time, money and aggravation of building out a hydrogen infrastructure
19 August 201913 August 2019 Growing bio-based solvent market These specialty chemicals continue to look for safer and less carbon emitter alternatives
24 July 201922 July 2019 New Technical Report from IEA Bioenergy Technical, Economic and Environmental Assessment of Biorefinery Concepts — Developing a Practical Approach for Characterisation
19 January 201817 January 2018 Is energy from woody biomass positive for the climate? Primary forest sector aim is to produce high value products, such as sawnwood and wood panels, or pulp and paper
16 June 201713 June 2017 The Sexy 7: The bio markets and apps in PET, PX, PEF, PLA, PHA, PBS, and PE 200,200 downloads for the DOE’s classic report on value-added chemicals — but some hot molecules are missing!
31 May 20172 October 2018 Development, deployment of integrated biorefineries: The Digest’s Multi-Slide Guide to Biorefining in Germany Illuminating overview of the progress and promise of biorefining in Germany at an IEA Bioenergy Task 42 meeting
29 June 201621 June 2016 Hot Prospects for Chemicals from Biomass A major theme of 21st Century industrial development will be replacement of fossil resources by renewable resources in the production of fuels and chemicals
8 October 20147 October 2014 International overview biorefinery projects New IEA Bioenergy Task42 Biorefining brochure available now