25 March 202419 March 2024 Influence of drying temperature on coconut-fibers Studies evalutates tensile behavior and drying tempeture for sustainable fibers
22 August 202215 August 2022 Brazilian scientists reveal method of converting methane gas into liquid methanol The strategy was tested at the Federal University of São Carlos. The conversion took place under ambient temperature and pressure conditions, which could enable methane, a potent greenhouse gas, to be used to produce fuel
Brasilianische Wissenschaftler entdecken eine Methode zur Umwandlung von Methangas in flüssiges Methanol Die Umwandlung fand bei Umgebungstemperatur und -druck statt, was die Verwendung von Methan, einem starken Treibhausgas, zur Herstellung von Kraftstoff ermöglichen könnte