8 April 20243 April 2024 Strom durch Atomkraft sinkt weltweit: Nicht nur Deutschland steigt aus Weltweit sinkt der Anteil der Atomkraft an der Stromerzeugung. Zwar bauen einige Länder neue AKW. In vielen anderen aber ist Kernkraft kein Thema
12 February 20243 February 2024 France made composting compulsory. What does it mean for the bioeconomy? France already has had the third highest rates of circular material usage in the EU after the Netherlands and Belgium in first and second place
16 November 20239 November 2023 Going underground: Policy progress on Carbon Capture, Utilisation and Storage (CCUS) CCUS is expected to be a vital part of the least-cost net-zero energy system of the future
13 October 20239 October 2023 French government awards Global Bioenergies €16.4 million to help fund construction of the world’s first biosourced isobutene plant The French government will provide its investment of non-dilutive funding in the form of a subsidy (60%) and a repayable advance (40%)
10 March 20238 March 2023 PILI, a French biotech and green chemistry company, raises $15.8M to accelerate its industrial scale-up and the decarbonization of the color industry Bpifrance led this round through the fund Ecotechnologies 2, with participation from Famille C Participations and existing investors, such as Elaia Partners
PILI, ein französisches Biotech- und grünes Chemieunternehmen, sammelt 14,5 Mio. Euro ein, um das industrielle Scale-up und die Dekarbonisierung der Farbindustrie zu beschleunigen Bpifrance leitete diese Runde über den Fonds Ecotechnologies 2, an dem sich Famille C Participations und bestehende Investoren wie Elaia Partners beteiligten
2 February 202330 January 2023 AFYREN chooses Thailand for its second biobased organic acids plant, entering a partnership project with Mitr Phol, a global leader in the sugar industry Mitr Phol will optimize its industrial circular platform, “From Waste to Value” model with high value-added biobased outlets for its sugarcane co-products
14 July 202211 July 2022 India to introduce ban on some single-use plastics from July 2022 India’s Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change has announced that from the 1st of July 2022, the country will ban select single-use plastics, including cutlery, straws, carrier bags, and trays
12 May 20229 May 2022 Resolute Project: Update after 1,5 Years of Work The ReSolute’s plant will be set up on the site of an old coal-fired power station in north-eastern France to scale-up the current Cyrene™ production process to achieve 1,000 metric tons of output per year
14 March 20228 March 2022 EU lawmakers to accelerate adoption of circular economy package To encourage stakeholders to move in this direction, the Commission will present several legislative proposals, including the so-called Circular Economy package due on 30 March
9 March 20224 March 2022 Carbios to build in France its first-of-a-kind manufacturing plant for fully bio-recycled PET in partnership with Indorama Ventures With its world-first enzyme-based biological process, Carbios’ converts PET into its core monomers, which can then be used to manufacture 100% recycled and infinitely recyclable PET
10 February 20227 February 2022 Circa awarded €8.2M grant by French Government “Relance programme” New 100 billion euro initiative to relaunch the French economy and help France emerge stronger from the Covid crisis
25 January 202220 January 2022 Eastman to invest up to $1 billion to accelerate circular economy through building world’s largest molecular plastics recycling facility in France This multi-phase project includes units that would prepare mixed plastic waste for processing, a methanolysis unit to depolymerize the waste, and polymer lines to create a variety of first-quality materials for specialty, packaging, and textile applications
Eastman: Bau der weltweit größten Anlage für molekulares Kunststoffrecycling in Frankreich angekündigt Mehrstufiges Projekt umfasst Anlagen, die gemischte Kunststoffabfälle für die Verarbeitung vorbereiten, eine Methanolyse-Anlage zur Depolymerisation der Abfälle sowie Polymerlinien zur Herstellung einer Vielzahl von hochwertigen Materialien für Spezial-, Verpackungs- und Textilanwendungen
11 January 202210 January 2022 Frankreich unterstützte Kommissionsvorschlag zur Entwaldung während EU-Präsidentschaft Die Verknüpfung von Klima- und Wirtschaftszielen werde eine der Prioritäten Frankreichs sein, wenn es die EU-Ratspräsidentschaft übernehme, sagte Präsident Emmanuel Macron in seiner Rede am 9. Dezember
France to strongly back Commission’s deforestation proposal during EU presidency Denormandie said France would commit to imposing so-called 'mirror clauses' on antibiotics used in livestock farming or towards EU countries harmonising the maximum residue limits of pesticides authorised for imported products
19 October 202114 October 2021 Plastic packaging for fruit and vegetables to be banned in France Anti-waste law has been expanded by banning plastic straws, disposable cutlery, stirrers, lids for takeaway beverage cups, polystyrene boxes, and plastic confetti
18 October 202114 October 2021 The Green Brief: Fossil fuel subsidies are back (and they’re here to stay) EU governments have scrambled to implement emergency measures to protect vulnerable consumers and yet in doing so, they’re indirectly subsidising fossil fuels
10 June 202012 June 2020 Lactips, producer of first soluble bioplastic, raises $14.4M to ramp up bioplastic production based on milk protein New production plant at a 2,500 sq.m site, making it possible to revitalize a former regional industrial hub
5 February 20181 February 2018 These 11 innovations will tackle the causes of ocean plastic pollution, not just the symptoms Businesses, governments and other stakeholders are supposed to make step changes in creating and implementing circular economy solutions to plastic waste
26 January 201724 January 2017 France adopts its national bioeconomy strategy An interview with Antoine Peeters, IAR
10 February 201510 February 2015 Global Bioenergies: Erster Meilenstein im Rahmen des BioMA+ Projekts erreicht Französischer Staat finanziert Projektkonsortium mit insgesamt 5,2 Millionen Euro
Global Bioenergies: First milestone hit in BioMA+ project French State granted €5.2m “Investissements d’Avenir” financing to a companies consortium