21 November 201819 November 2018 European Parliament approves REDII AEBIOM and a group of other European organizations call on the EU to be more ambitious in its efforts to encourage the use of renewables in heating and cooling
26 July 201819 July 2018 AEBIOM rebrands to “Bioenergy Europe” AEBIOM reveals today its new corporate identity, Bioenergy Europe, that aims at giving a clearer, more united voice to Europe’s first source of renewable energy
8 November 201715 November 2017 Good day for bioenergy, bad day for crop-based biofuels, as European Parliament’s environment committee votes on RED II proposals MEPs voted to ban the use of biodiesel from all vegetable oils by 2030 and of palm oil biodiesel as early as 2021 under the revised RED
6 June 20145 June 2014 Torrefaction: the bioenergy newcomer AEBIOM conference: Roasting biomass - a solution for large-scale implementation of bioenergy
20 May 201419 May 2014 Biomass: the sustainability challenge Scientific experts, policymakers and NGO and industry representatives discussed this question at the recent European Biomass Association (AEBIOM) conference in Brussels
4 December 201327 June 2024 AEBIOM, CEPF, COPA-COGECA, EIPS, ELO, EUSTAFOR: Joint Statement on cascade use of wood EU institutions should support positive actions at EU and national level that will improve, promote active forest management
10 January 2013 Benelux pellet market expected to more than double by 2020 U.S. expected to become main supplier of wood pellets in northwestern Europe
29 July 2009 European Industrial Bioenergy Initiative Forgets Bioheat EU-proposal for multi-billion-euro research programme focussing on advanced biofuels
1 July 2008 Verzehnfachung der EU-Holzpelletproduktion geplant Europäischer Biomasse-Verband will die Produktion auf 75 Mio. Tonnen bis 2020 steigern