26 November 20159 September 2021 Eight-digit investment in sunfire: “sunfire Entrepreneurs’ Club” and INVEN CAPITAL lead the way in new round of financing Fresh capital injected by Total Energy Ventures, Electranova Capital and sunfire’s founders / KfW remains a strong partner for sunfire
Zweistelliger Millionenbetrag für sunfire: „sunfire Entrepreneurs‘ Club“ und INVEN CAPITAL führen Finanzierungsrunde an Total Energy Ventures, Electranova Capital und die sunfire-Gründer beteiligen sich erneut / KfW bleibt als starker Partner erhalten
27 April 20159 September 2021 Alternative fuels: sunfire now produces synthetic fuel from air, water and green electrical energy German Federal Minister of Education and Research receives the first litres / Car manufacturer Audi confirms the fuel’s eco-friendliness