21 October 201916 October 2019 Carlsberg issues latest Green Fibre Bottle update Two new research prototypes of the Green Fibre Bottle unveiled - Several big players joined the Pacobo® paper bottle community for advanced development
9 March 20187 March 2018 Scientists upgrading production of cellulose-based electrical insulation components EU-funded NOVUM project focusing on 3D printing of cellulose-based materials with thermoplastic features or foam forming and thermoforming of cellulose fibres
12 September 20178 September 2017 BillerudKorsnäs invests in cold chain packaging company Vericool Aim is to work closely with companies and actively contribute to developing new solutions in the packaging value chain
27 October 201625 October 2016 Carlsberg’s new bio-based beer bottles to ‘step up’ to sustainability targets Company confident they can deliver and sell the green fiber bottle to the global consumer by 2019
4 October 201629 September 2016 Carlsberg unveils new Green Fiber Bottle design The new design of the Green Fiber Bottle was unveiled at the Sustainable Brands 2016 Copenhagen conference
20 November 201519 November 2015 European Bioplastics Conference – Day 1 (Nov 5) The most important takeaways of the first day
29 January 201528 January 2015 Carlsberg and Partners to develop biodegradable wood-fiber bottle Project could mark a sea-change in our options for packaging liquids