9 March 20159 March 2015 Government lays down the foundations for a UK Bioeconomy The UK Government has published a report detailing the enormous opportunities resulting from growing the bioeconomy
5 March 20154 March 2015 History in the jar: Scottish company breakthrough produces motor fuel from distillery leftovers Celtic Renewables has become the first in the world to produce biofuel capable of powering cars from residues of the whisky industry
25 July 2012 Analysis: How does the renewables obligation banding review affect bioenergy? Government has expanded its list of eligible energy crops to boost for advanced conversion of biomass
Understanding new renewables banding vital to success New bands for bioenergy to provide the security needed by the industry to build a leading biomass-to-energy sector in the UK
26 April 2012 Bioenergy could employ 50,000 in UK by 2020, says new NNFCC report A new report suggests that heat and power from biomass could deliver up to 50,000 jobs over the next eight years
Prime Minister David Cameron heralds rapid progress of the UK’s green economy as Government publish Bioenergy Strategy Green Energy Revolution in the UK
31 March 2011 DECC report published on UK and global bioenergy resource Analysing current and potential biomass supply with summaries of key constraints and solutions
19 March 2010 Biofuel from grass cuttings Carbon Trust created consortium to convert municipal and wood waste into biofuel