5 November 20244 November 2024 Advanced Recycling Conference 2024 fördert innovatives und nachhaltiges Material-Management Europas größte Konferenz für Advanced Recycling erkundet innovative Technologien und transformative Strategien für eine nachhaltige Zukunft
Advanced Recycling Conference 2024 – Driving Innovation in Sustainable Materials Management Europe’s largest conference on advanced recycling explores innovative technologies and transformative strategies that are reshaping the future of sustainability
26 August 202422 August 2024 Advanced Recycling Conference 2024: New Focus Areas and Innovative Program Announced Shaping the Future of Recycling From PVC and Textiles to Engineering Thermoplastics and Digital Solutions
Advanced Recycling Conference 2024 glänzt mit neuen Schwerpunkten und innovativem Programm Die Zukunft des Recyclings gestalten: Von PVC- und Textil-Recycling bis hin zu technischen Thermoplasten und digitalen Lösungen
5 December 202317 December 2024 The Advanced Recycling Conference 2023 – A Success Story Beyond Chemical Recycling With an impressive increase of almost 30% to nearly 300 participants from 26 countries, the Advanced Recycling Conference (ARC) has established itself as the leading event for innovation in recycling in just one year
Die Advanced Recycling Conference 2023 – Eine Erfolgsgeschichte über das Chemische Recycling hinaus Mit einem beeindruckenden Zuwachs von fast 30% auf fast 300 Teilnehmer aus 26 Ländern hat sich die Advanced Recycling Conference (ARC) in nur einem Jahr als die führende Veranstaltung für Innovationen im Recycling etabliert
2 November 202331 October 2023 Supply chain letter on the need for mass balance fuel-use exempt for chemical recycling 20 associations call on EU Member States to urgently adopt mass balance fuel-use exempt as the EU harmonised mass balance method for allocating recycled content via chemical recycling
Verbände fordern Anerkennung von „Fuel Use Exempt“-Massenbilanzierung 20 europäische Verbände fordern eine EU-weite Regulierung und Anerkennung von Massenbilanzen für das chemische Recycling nach der „Fuel Use Exempt“-Regel
21 September 202321 September 2023 A Broad Range of Advanced Recycling Technologies Keeps Carbon in the Loop Register now: The Advanced Recycling Conference 2023, November 28-29, 2023 in Cologne, Germany and online
Advanced Recycling Technologies – Neue Recycling-Methoden halten Kohlenstoff im Kreislauf Jetzt anmelden: Die Advanced Recycling Conference 2023 vom 28.-29. November 2023 in Köln und online
2 August 20219 September 2021 Chemical recycling – snapshot of a technology everybody talks about Chemical recycling is also an option for bio-based plastic
26 July 20219 September 2021 EREMA Group joins Chemical Recycling Europe Austrian plastics recycling machine manufacturer and provider of services aims to integrate recycling know-how into the value chain
EREMA Group tritt Chemical Recycling Europe bei Der österreichische Maschinenhersteller und Anbieter von für den Recyclingprozess relevanten Dienstleistungen verfolgt das Ziel, Recycling Know-how so in die Wertschöpfungskette zu integrieren
6 November 20209 September 2021 New market and technology report: Chemical Recycling – Status, Trends, and Challenges – Technologies, Sustainability, Policy and Key Players nova’s new market and technology report „Chemical Recycling - Status, Trends, and Challenges” is addressed to the chemical and plastic industry, brands, technology scouts, investors, and policy makers. On 190 pages the report provides information around chemical recycling including 21 figures and 10 tables.
19 October 20209 September 2021 Spotlight on chemical recycling: Offering a solution towards a circular economy Chemical Recycling Europe and its members provide a solution to make plastics circular with developing a new range of recycling methods
18 June 20209 September 2021 Call for faster recognition & legislation review to unlock the potential of chemical recycling Chemical Recycling Europe Calls for Legislation to Improve Circular Economy for Plastics in EU
23 April 20209 September 2021 ChemRecEU calls for constructive collaboration with waste management industry to increase recycling Group is emphasizing that chemical recycling complements other recycling processes and it’s one of the solutions to tackle the plastic waste issue