12 October 20237 October 2023 Carbon Recycling International (CRI) and Jiangsu Sailboat start up world’s most efficient CO2-to-methanol plant This methanol will be used to produce chemical derivatives, including sustainable plastics and EVA coatings for solar panels
5 May 20233 May 2023 Carbon Recycling International Builds the World’s Largest CO2-to-Fuel Facility New plant can recycle 160,000 tons of CO2 annually, which translates to a significant reduction in emissions associated with steel production
3 May 20234 May 2023 Smart Carbon Capture and Utilisation (CCU) Technologies and Materials Defossilise the Economy With a current capacity of over 1.3 million tonnes for CO₂-based products and steadily growing demand, smart Carbon Capture and Utilisation (CCU) technologies are helping to establish CO2 as a renewable carbon feedstock. Many of these innovations have been introduced at the Conference on CO2-based Fuels and Chemicals 2023
Smarte Technologien und Materialien aus dem Bereich der Kohlenstoffabscheidung und -verwertung (CCU) defossilisieren die Wirtschaft Mit einer aktuellen Kapazität von rund 1,3 Millionen Tonnen für CO₂-basierte Produkte und einer stetig wachsenden Nachfrage, tragen intelligente Technologien aus dem Bereich der Kohlenstoffabscheidung und -verwertung (CCU) dazu bei, CO2 als Quelle für erneuerbaren Kohlenstoff zu etablieren. Viele dieser Innovationen wurden auf der Conference on CO2-bases Fuels and Chemicals 2023 vorgestellt
3 April 202329 March 2023 Europe Renewable Methanol Market Size, Trends, Share, Growth, Forecast 2023-2028 By Feedstock: Biomass, CO2 and Hydrogen; By Processing Techniques: Gasification, Reformer-Based Production From Biogas, Others; By Application; Regional Analysis; Market Dynamics; Competitive Landscape
3 February 20237 February 2023 Taking Carbon Capture and Utilisation (CCU) and Power-to-X to the next level – Final Program of the “Conference on CO₂-based Fuels and Chemicals 2023” Leading international experts meet at one of the world’s key events on Carbon Capture and Utilisation (CCU) and Power-to-X from 19-20 April 2023 in Cologne, Germany, and online
Carbon Capture and Utilisation (CCU) und Power-to-X auf erreicht die nächste Stufe – Das vollständige Programm der „Conference on CO₂-based Fuels and Chemicals 2023“ Führende internationale Experten und Expertinnen treffen sich vom 19. bis 20. April 2023 in Köln zu einer der weltweit wichtigsten Veranstaltungen im Bereich der CO2-Nutzung, Carbon Capture and Utilisation (CCU), und Power-to-X
20 December 20229 January 2023 Leading international experts meet at one of the world’s key events on Carbon Capture and Utilisation (CCU) and Power-to-X On 19-20 April 2023 in Cologne, Germany, and online. The preliminary program of the “Conference on CO₂-based Fuels and Chemicals 2023” is online. Take a look!
Führende internationale Experten treffen sich auf einer der weltweit wichtigsten Veranstaltungen zu Carbon Capture and Utilisation (CCU) und Power-to-X Am 19. und 20. April 2023 in Köln und online. Das vorläufige Programm der "Conference on CO2-based Fuels and Chemicals 2023" ist online. Schauen Sie rein!
8 November 20227 November 2022 World’s largest CO2-to-methanol plant starts production The new facility can capture 160,000 tonnes of carbon dioxide emissions a year, which is equivalent to taking more than 60,000 cars off the road
30 September 202226 September 2022 Renewable methanol accelerating progress toward a carbon-neutral world Capturing CO2 emissions, hydrogenated with green or recovered hydrogen to produce methanol, offers decarbonising economies a sustainable fuel and chemical feedstock
20 April 202213 April 2022 Renewable Methanol Market – Industry Analysis, Market Size, Share, Trends, Application Analysis, Growth And Forecast 2022-2027 The demand for renewable methanol is extensively driven by the automobile sector where it is implemented as fuel for the internal combustion engine, hybrid (fuel/electric) systems, and fuel cells
4 April 202229 March 2022 The race to upcycle CO2 into fuels, concrete and more Companies are scrambling to turn the greenhouse gas into useful products — but will that slow climate change?
3 March 202214 July 2022 CRI’s largest CO2-to-methanol reactor installed in Anyang The reactor is based on CRI's proprietary technology, developed and first demonstrated in Iceland, and is the key piece of equipment needed to directly hydrogenate CO2 to form methanol
28 October 202126 October 2021 CRI chemical plant project in China will recycle 150.000 tons of CO2 per year to make materials for solar panels Both companies plan to produce 100,000 tons of methanol annually and is expected to begin its operation in 2023
27 October 202122 October 2021 CRI and JM collaborate to support sustainable methanol Partners have agreed on a long term exclusive catalyst supply agreement for the use of JM’s KATALCO(TM) methanol catalysts in CRI’s Emissions-To-Liquids (“ETL”) designed CO2 to methanol plants
24 March 20219 September 2021 “Best CO2 Utilisation 2021″: The three winners of the innovation award are turning CO2 into methanol, cleaners, plastic packaging or surfactants CO2 has become famous in a sad way. Carbon Recycling International from Iceland, LanzaTech from USA and Covestro from Germany transform it into usable raw materials.
5 March 20219 September 2021 Major milestones reached in the first commercial CO2 to Methanol plant Anyang project process engineering completed and civil engineering underway
25 February 20219 September 2021 How to utilise CO2? The nominees for the innovation award “Best CO2 Utilisation 2021” have the answers! Carbon capture and utilisation (CCU) is one of the most obvious solutions to further reduce CO2 emissions, but it is yet still hardly exploited. However, these six nominated technologies turn CO2 into value: ethanol, methanol, polyols, surfactants or syngas – the audience will choose the winner at the “9th Conference on CO2-based Fuels and Chemicals”, 23–24 March 2021, online!
18 December 20199 September 2021 Curbing Carbon Emissions with Green Methanol Carbon Recycling International (CRI) has pioneered a process to transform CO2 emissions into methanol by direct hydrogenation of captured CO2. It now plans to deploy its technology at commercial scale and help curb emissions from the chemicals sector
30 November 20189 September 2021 Waste CO2 to be turned into ingredients for fuel, plastics and even food Scientists provide a new source of raw materials for use in fuel, cement and food production
31 January 201829 January 2018 The rise, rise, rise of bio-methanol for fuels and chemical markets For the North American and European markets more projects aimed at methanol as a chemical intermediate springing up are expected
23 January 20189 September 2021 More Than Just a Dream. Climate-Destroying CO2 as a Feedstock for Fuels, Chemicals and Plastics Current Research and Industrial Implementation Highlights
Mehr als ein Traum: Klimakiller CO2 als Rohstoff für Kraftstoffe, Chemie und Kunststoffe Highlights aus aktueller Forschung und industrieller Umsetzung
13 December 20179 September 2021 CO2 Value Europe: A new association dedicated to the utilisation of CO2 43 leading industrial and research stakeholders will cooperate to implement solutions to convert CO2 into valuable products
29 August 20179 September 2021 Methanol and Bio-economy: Now and the Future The continued growth of the methanol economies provides significant opportunities for investment in novel production methods
1 March 201728 February 2017 A global corporate market for low-carb fuels: The Digest’s 2017 Multi-Slide Guide to Below50 Below50 is a game-changing collaboration designed to grow a global corporate market for the best-of-breed sustainable low-carbon transport fuels (LCTFs)
25 January 20169 September 2021 Carbon dioxide-to-methanol catalyst ignites ‘fuel from air’ debate Initial step towards realising the vision of making fuel from nothing but gases from the air
30 November 20159 September 2021 CO2Chem: Response to the UK £1bn CCS competition being axed Carbon Dioxide Utilisation treating CO2 as commodity to gain profit, not as waste
3 November 20159 September 2021 How to make the most of carbon dioxide Researchers hope to show that using the gas as a raw material could make an impact on climate change
22 July 20159 September 2021 Top International Speakers at Europe’s Largest Event on Carbon Capture and Utilization (CCU) in 2015 4th Conference on Carbon Dioxide as Feedstock for Fuels, Chemistry and Polymers
1 July 20159 September 2021 4th Conference on Carbon Dioxide as Feedstock for Fuels, Chemistry and Polymers Europe’s largest event on Carbon Capture and Utilization (CCU) in 2015: CO2-based Fuels – Kerosene, Diesel and Gasoline: Very impressive and dynamically evolving future-oriented CO2 Utilization
18 June 20159 September 2021 Highly efficient and cost-effective CO2 utilization will spark a revolution Leading players will showcase their latest technological breakthroughs in Essen (Germany)
Revolution auf dem Rohstoff- und Energiemarkt durch effiziente und kostengünstige CO2-Nutzung Führende Akteure präsentieren ihre jüngsten technologischen Durchbrüche in Essen
1 May 20159 September 2021 New storage project at STEAG’s Lünen power plant STEAG joins international ‘Power to Fuel’ project
24 April 20159 September 2021 Plastik und Treibstoff aus CO2 Die Bundesregierung wird mehrere Milliarden Euro in innovative Technologien investieren, die sich mit nachhaltiger Entwicklung beschäftigen. Zum Beispiel mit der Herstellung von Treibstoff aus dem Treibhausgas CO2.
5 March 20159 September 2021 Kohlekraftwerk liefert Kohlendioxid für Methanolproduktion Treibstoff für den Verkehr, Rohstoff für die Chemie, Speicher für Windenergie
Coal power plant providing carbon dioxide for methanol production Fuel for vehicles, basic material for the chemical industry, accumulator for wind energy
13 January 20159 September 2021 STEAG joins international ‘Power to Fuel’ project New storage project at STEAG’s Lünen power plant
STEAG Partner im internationalen Projekt ‚Power-to-Fuel‘ Power-to-X – Speicherlösungen für die Energiewende
21 November 20139 September 2021 CO2-Nutzung als Kraftstoff und Chemierohstoff steht in den Startlöchern Dynamische Technologie-Entwicklungen – Investoren warten auf Marktanreize
CO2 is ready to go as a fuel and chemical feedstock Dynamic technological developments – Investors await market incentives
24 October 201323 October 2013 Rohstoff CO2: Ein Traum wird wahr Interessante Betrachtungen auf der zweiten Essener Konferenz zu "CO2 als Rohstoff"
27 August 201325 July 2014 Kohlendioxid als Rohstoff für Chemie und Polymere Neue Einblicke in die industrielle Nutzung des Kohlendioxids als Rohstoffquelle auf der größten Konferenz zum Thema in 2013: www.co2-chemistry.eu
Carbon Dioxide as Feedstock for Chemistry and Polymers The biggest event on CO2 as chemical feedstock will bring new insights into the utilization of carbon dioxide: www.co2-chemistry.eu
13 February 20139 September 2021 Öko-Kraftstoff aus CO<sub>2</sub>-Abgasen: SGS vergibt ISCC PLUS-Nachhaltigkeitszertifikat Neue Richtlinie der Europäischen Kommission will Anteil konventioneller Biokraftstoffe begrenzen
12 July 20129 September 2021 Carbon Recycling International (CRI): Aus Gas mach Sprit Neues Verfahren soll bis zu bis zu 85 Prozent Beimischung an Ethanol oder Methanol erlauben
1 June 20129 September 2021 Opening of CO<sub>2</sub> to Methanol plant at Svartsengi geothermal plant The world's first commercial scale plant will produced about 5 million liters per year