3 March 202126 February 2021 TECNARO EU Projekt – SWEETWOODS Bioraffinerie produziert erste Tonnen hochreines Lignin Das EU Projekt SWEETWOODS hat seine ersten Meilensteine erreicht. Es stehen Proben von hochreinem Lignin und Holzzucker im Tonnenmaßstab zur Verfügung
23 February 202118 February 2021 SWEETWOODS delivers first tons of high purity lignin and wood sugars One of the goals of the SWEETWOODS project is to establish markets for lignin and sugar-based platform chemicals
9 May 20189 May 2018 SWEETWOODS Consortium brings together 9 European bio-innovation oriented stakeholders The project receives major EU funding to establish a first-of-a-kind wood fractionation Flagship plant to create new industrial value-chains using sustainable hardwood as a resource
29 July 201411 January 2018 Bio-based composites at COMPOSITES EUROPE 2014 – European Trade Fair & Forum for Composites, Technology and Applications Be part of it: For the first time nova-Institute and COPMPOSITES EUROPE present the full potential of bio-based composite materials
Bio-basierte Verbundwerkstoffe auf der COMPOSITES EUROPE 2014 – Europäische Fachmesse & Forum für Verbundwerkstoffe, Technologie und Anwendungen Seien auch Sie dabei: nova-Institut und COMPOSITES EUROPE präsentieren erstmals ganzes Potenzial bio-basierter Verbundwerkstoffe