10 December 20245 December 2024 VTT launches new origami packaging technology to create sustainable lightweight, durable, and eye-catching alternatives to conventional protective packing materials Shaped cardboard, developed in a unique continuous process to create reel-to-reel origami-inspired structures for fibre-based packaging materials
8 May 202430 April 2024 Nordic Bioproducts Group opens its first major production facility for advanced cellulosic materials The Finnish startup has opened its state-of-the-art production facility in Lappeenranta, Finland, which is powered by the company’s proprietary AaltoCellTM Technology, and will produce at commercial-scale advanced cellulosic materials, including Microcrystalline Cellulose (MCC). The factory is expected to create 40 million euros in the first full operating year
31 October 20237 November 2023 First peeks into the program of the upcoming Cellulose Fibres Conference 2024 available Cellulose Fibres Response to the Growing Demand for Eco-fibres as a substitute for plastics in various applications; 13-14 March, 2024 in Cologne, Germany and online
20 October 202317 October 2023 Bauen mit Holz im urbanen Raum weiter im Aufwind FNR beim 16. Europäischen Holzbau-Kongress am 17./18. Oktober in Köln dabei
12 September 20237 September 2023 BioUPGRADE: Advancing biocatalysts to enrich the global bioeconomy Emma Master, PhD, from Aalto University details how the BioUPGRADE project drives state-of-the-art innovations in biocatalysts
13 June 20237 June 2023 IMPRESSive achievements in sustainable manufacturing Innovative biorefinery gets a step closer to commercialization, thanks to Sulzer Chemtech
2 February 20237 February 2023 From Fibre Production to Recycling and Policy – The Final Program of the Cellulose Fibres Conference 2023 International experts will discuss hot topics along the entire cellulose fibre value chain at the upcoming Cellulose Fibres Conference, 8–9 March 2023 in Cologne and online
Von der Faserproduktion über Recycling bis hin zu politischen Rahmenbedingungen – Das finale Programm der Cellulose Fibres Conference 2023 Internationale Experten und Expertinnen diskutieren auf der kommenden Cellulose Fibres Conference vom 8. bis 9. März 2023 in Köln und online aktuelle Themen entlang der gesamten Wertschöpfungskette der Cellulosefasern
14 December 20229 January 2023 The Success Story of Cellulose Fibres Continues – First Peaks Into the Program of the Upcoming Cellulose Fibres Conference 2023 Available The Presentations Will Introduce the Latest Development in the Sustainable Circular Industry. 8-9 March, 2023 in Cologne, Germany and Online
Die Erfolgsgeschichte der Cellulosefasern schreitet fort – Erste Einblicke in das Programm der kommenden Cellulose Fibres Conference 2023 (CFC) verfügbar Die Vorträge stellen die neuesten Entwicklungen der nachhaltigen Kreislaufwirtschaft vor. 8.-9. März 2023 in Köln und online
12 December 20227 December 2022 Lignin nanoparticles: A sustainable recipe for combining cellulose with hydrophobic polymers for advanced applications The Bioproduct Chemistry team at Aalto University have designed a sustainable method to produce strong and flexible cellulosic films that incredibly maintain their strength even when wet
19 September 202214 September 2022 A greener route to blue – a new method drastically reduces the amount of solvent needed to produce widely used organic dyes Phthalocyanines are used in renewable energy production, sensing, nanomedicine and more
Ein grüner Weg zu Blau Neue Methode reduziert drastisch die Menge an Lösungsmitteln, die zur Herstellung weit verbreiteter organischer Farbstoffe benötigt wird
30 August 202223 August 2022 Eco-glue can replace harmful adhesives in wood construction A fast and energy-efficient manufacturing process results in a strong, non-toxic and fire-resistant adhesive—and a great opportunity for the Finnish bioeconomy
21 April 202214 April 2022 Marcus Wallenberg Prize to Professor Herbert Sixta for the development of Sustainable wood-based textile fibres The 2022 Marcus Wallenberg Prize is awarded to Professor Herbert Sixta and Professor Ilkka Kilpeläinen for the development and use of novel ionic liquids to process wood biomass into high-performance textile fibres
15 February 20229 February 2022 The Finnish startup – Nordic Bioproducts Group – has successfully spun a new plant-based textile fibre Six months after the first wet spinning experiments with NBG’s cellulose dissolution method were performed, the first yarn was already made from the new Norratex textile fibre at the University of Tampere
19 November 202112 November 2021 Solarzellen und Glas aus Holz – oder einer Milliarde Tonnen Bioabfall Aalto Universitäts-Forscher zeigen, wie pflanzliche Biomasse in optischen Anwendungen nicht erneuerbare Ressourcen ersetzen könnte
Creating solar cells and glass from wood – or a billion tons of biowaste Aalto University researchers map out how biomass from plants could replace unrenewable resources in optical applications
15 September 202110 September 2021 Bio-based coating for wood outperforms traditional synthetic options Researchers turn a non-toxic residue into wood coating that resists abrasion, stain, and sunlight
19 August 20219 September 2021 European project to recover contaminated plastics from automotive, construction and electrical appliance industry waste The European NONTOX Project aims to eliminate hazardous and unpleasant substances from plastic waste and thus convert non-recyclable plastics and recycling waste into new resources.
22 June 202118 June 2021 No more plastic wrap? Students create novel biobased packaging for cucumbers A dip in the biobased liquid gives cucumbers a protective film. Innovative idea will be presented in the international BioDesign Challenge competition
17 June 202116 June 2021 Acoustic solutions made from natural fibers can reduce buildings’ carbon footprints Aalto University researchers discovered that wood-based pulp fibers are also well-suited for making acoustic materials
4 March 20202 March 2020 The combination of plant-based particles and water forms an ‘eco’ super-glue Researchers demonstrated that plant-derived cellulose nanocrystals (CNCs) can form an adhesive that fully integrates the concepts of sustainability, performance, and cost
6 February 20203 February 2020 Crab-shell and seaweed compounds spin into yarns for sustainable and functional materials Research team sees great potential for the material to be used for such things as threads for surgical procedures, webs for internal tissue engineering and more
16 January 202013 January 2020 BEDifferent with TENCELTM x REFIBRATM fibers – a Lenzing project to circular economy in home textiles International designers team have developed a bedding assortment with optimized sleeping comfort
BEDifferent mit TENCELTM x REFIBRATM Fasern – ein Projekt von Lenzing zur Förderung der Kreislaufwirtschaft bei Heimtextilien Internationales Designer-Team kreiert Bettwäsche-Kollektion mit optimalem Schlafkomfort
12 December 20199 December 2019 VTT developed an optical fibre made of cellulose Cellulose-based fibre opens up new opportunities for sensor applications, but it will not compete with glass-based optical fibres in telecommunications applications
13 November 20198 November 2019 Wood-based yarn captures hormones from wastewater Researchers collaboration converted cellulose yarn into a material that can capture hormones and other pharmaceutical substances effectively
10 October 20197 October 2019 A new, natural wax coating makes garments water-resistant and breathable Aalto University researchers making garments water-resistant with wax obtained from Brazilian palm tree leaves. The treatment is non-toxic and doesn't impair breathability
23 September 201918 September 2019 Combination of wood fibres and spider silk could rival plastic VTT researchers have succeeded in a truly new bio-based material by gluing together wood cellulose fibres and the silk protein found in spider web threads
7 June 20194 June 2019 The world’s most beautiful headphones are here, and they’re made of fungus And other biomaterials such as bacteria and biosynthetic spider silk
Korvaa – Ein finnisches Unternehmen baut biologisch abbaubare Kopfhörer aus Pilzen Auch Pilzprodukte, bakteriell hergestellte Spinnenseide und Zellulose finden sich in dem neuartigen Biomaterial
7 February 20196 February 2019 Stora Enso announces startups selected for its second Accelerator Programme Stora Enso has chosen six startups to join its second Accelerator Programme, a joint startup initiative organised by Stora Enso, Aalto ENT and Vertical Accelerator
17 December 201813 December 2018 Wood-based innovations made an appearance at Independence Day Reception in Finland Stora Enso's woodpulp has being used as a raw material in the evening gown made by Aalto University for Finland’s First Lady Jenni Haukio
24 October 201819 October 2018 Metsä Group and Itochu establish a joint venture that builds an industrial demo plant to produce wood-based textile fibres The new technology to be studied and further developed in the demo project is based on direct dissolution using a novel solvent for the pulp dissolution stage
31 August 201828 August 2018 Aalto University and VTT launch a major innovation ecosystem aimed at doubling the value of forest industry Aim is to develop materials from renewable resources in order to safeguard a sustainable future
27 July 201825 July 2018 Cellulose-based fibres will open a new future for Finnish textile industry Ongoing developments to new applications in the cellulose-based textiles sector and thus diversify the forest sector to new business areas where added value is higher
7 June 20187 June 2018 Ruka to become the “Davos for the Bioeconomy” Mark Rushton, forest products media consultant, is interviewing some of the key speakers and panellists at the World BioEconomy Forum
7 July 20175 July 2017 Bioeconomy: Tomorrow’s bio-products are made in Finland Finnish forests has proved to be an incredibly versatile source of raw material for new bio-products
22 September 201620 September 2016 Seven-figure grant for Finnish researcher producing carbon fiber from wood Michael Hummel, the recipient of the much sought-after ERC Starting Grant, knows that there is a great need for more affordable carbon fibre
5 April 20161 April 2016 Better use of entire biomass of willow Joint project of VTT and Aalto University exploiting properties and most suitable application areas
8 March 20167 March 2016 Five Finnish bioeconomy innovations set to change the future Finland turn towards a low-carbon and energy-efficient society is based on the use of renewable natural resources and recyclable materials
22 October 201519 October 2015 Aalto University awarded The European Paper Recycling Award 2015 The Ioncell-F process is based on the use of a so-called ionic liquid to dissolve cellulosic waste material without the addition of toxic chemicals
11 March 201512 March 2015 Biorefinery concept developed by NISCluster wins award in Finnish biorefinery contest Kemijärvi Consortium incorporates novel Finnish technology for the production of new biomaterials and biochemicals
7 August 20146 August 2014 Plant plastics reach for the stars Researchers in Finland have transformed rice starch into a temporally stable, optically transparent, biodegradable plastic with a high degree of mechanical strength and good thermal resistance
11 July 20144 August 2014 An efficient and stable star-shaped plasticizer for starch: cyclic phosphazene with hydrogen bonding aminoethoxy ethanol side chains Using rice starch, Finnish researchers have made sustainable, biodegradable polymers that could be used in food packaging
15 October 201314 October 2013 Finland to lead the way as a designer of cellulose-based products Joint research project DWoC: Scientists develop cellulose-based products suitable for technical textiles and consumer products
9 December 2011 Chemicals and biofuel from wood biomass Aalto university develops method to produce butanol from wood biomass