8 April 20193 April 2019 NatureWorks Develops New Ingeo PLA Formulation for 3D Printing Break-Away Support on Dual Extrusion Printers Ingeo 3D450 offers a clean break-away of support structures while delivering excellent precision and printability suitable for complex, professional parts
1 December 201729 November 2017 Hanf: Die grüne Lösung für unsere Plastiksucht Legalisierung des Anbaus von Nutzhanf lässt in den USA neue wirtschaftliche Möglichkeiten für diese vielseitige Pflanze entstehen
6 December 201615 February 2018 New ‘Landfillament’ lets you 3D print with trash Many companies in the 3D printing industry are working hard to create green products
5 April 201621 February 2018 3D printing Filament manufacturers join forces on new company 3DomFuel Company to produce 3D-Fuel’s advanced PLA products line, as well as 3Dom’s range of bio-composites
8 February 20165 February 2016 If Jefferson was into 3D Printing: Hemp filament from 3Dom USA 3Dom USA introducing innovative way to make virtually anything from hemp
3 September 20152 September 2015 Ökoplastik für 3D-Drucker: Flexibel oder aus Kaffee Viele Kunststoffe auf Erdölbasis zersetzen sich nicht, wenn sie auf Mülldeponien oder in der Landschaft landen. Bei Bioplastik ist das anders – und auch damit kann man in 3D drucken
2 September 201531 August 2015 3D-Fuel Takes PLA to Next Level with Higher Heat Resistance Filament & Algae-Fuel 3D-Fuel launching two new PLA filaments with greater recycling qualities
13 August 201511 August 2015 3D Fuel launches high heat grade advanced PLA and revolutionary algae based 3D printer filaments 3D Fuel operates through a joint venture with ALGIX
23 March 201520 March 2015 Biofuels Digest’s 2015 5-Minute Guide The current situation and milestones of NatureWork
16 December 201313 December 2013 NatureWorks and 3DOM collaborate to bring Ingeo PLA filament to the 3D printing market 3DOM Filament Limited, a new technology startup, has a leadership team with extensive Ingeo PLA technical experience